Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Hi all! This week's update is kinda late. But here is a summary of all our work done for the past week:-

1) Design of Experiment

Angus and JD, the Systems Engineer and Controls Engineer respectively, were busy trying to set up a static bench test to analyse propeller performance. The experiment is initially designed to use weighing machine to measure lifting force/thrust (from weight to newtons). But through Angus's improvisation, he offered the dead weights from his personal training set (see Figure 11 below).
Figure 11: Dead weights from Angus's personal training set
Angus was so excited to use the 3D printer that he created a video introducing it.
Video 2: Angus getting excited about 3D printing.

The first test rig was 3D-printed without screw threads. This led to a lot of frustration and dampened the initially excited mood from our team. Subsequently, the design was slightly changed and printed again. As you can see in Figures 12-14, thankfully this time it worked well!
Figure 12: 3-D printer in action

Figure 13: Motor mounting
Figure 14: 2nd test rig (finally working well)

For safety reasons, Dr Ahmed (Lead Supervisor) and Dr Michael (Controls Supervisor) helped us to set up the experiment (see Figure 15 below).
Figure 15: Dr Michael and Dr Ahmed (left and centre of picture respectively)

2) Autonomous Batteries Changer

Jeremy started to print parts to conceptualize his ideas. In Figure 16 below, the battery carriage is made up of 2 parts. The red one is to be attached onto the QR's centre frame base. Its 'T' design allows it to be slotted onto the white part, which will be holding the battery and copper strips. The only drawback of the printed parts, which otherwise works well, is the very tight tolerance between the touching surfaces of the 'T' design.
Figure 16: Printed battery carriage

3) Protective Crash Cage

This week, 3 concepts were generated based on 3 interesting principles that can be found in the world today.

In Figure 17 below, the concept design is based on the working principle of a gomboc. Gombok is a convex three-dimensional homogeneous body. The stable and unstable points of equilibrium will help to keep the structure recover to its initial position. 
Figure 17: Design based on gomboc principle
In Figure 18, the possibility of using the gyroscopes is explored. The gyroscope has the capability of maintaining the QR's orientation using the principles of angular momentum. The whole frame structure will then be mounted onto the inner circle. The inner circle will then change the response to an external torque in the z-axis direction.
Figure 18: Design based on gyroscope principle
In Figure 19, there is a possibility of using individual protection cages to each propellers. The principle of self-recovery in this structure depend on the four individual motor operating at each universal joint. But this is certainly a disadvantage as it will cause the whole protection cage to be very heavy. Knowing that lightweight is significantly important in the overall design, this concept may not be very suitable.
Figure 19: Individual propeller protective cage

These concepts generation will be followed by material analysis and selection, which will be updated next week. =)

4) Terrestrial Drive System

With evaluation for the three different concepts, the four wheels and two wheels concepts are not very feasible as the motor systems that are required to drive the wheels, will be very heavy for the QR. The most ideal concept that can be used for the QR is the cylindrical rolling cage concept.
Figure 20: CAD drawing of the rolling cage design
Figure 20 shows the CAD drawing of the cylindrical cage. The cylindrical cage will be surrounding the QR and acts as a protective cover and a terrestrial driving system. This concept is not drawn to exact size but rather has been scaled down for 3D printing purpose. With the 3D printing, it allowed the user to visualise the concept to see if it is workable.

It consists of four cylindrical rods, two side structures and two shaft structures. The four cylindrical rods are used to connect the two side structures together. The two shaft structures are required to be attached to the bottom of the main QR’s structure. They will allow the side structures to rotate and hence the cylindrical cage will be able to rotate when the QR is travelling on the ground. If the parts are faulty, the structure allows easier replacement of the components.

5) Mainframe Design

3 shapes and materials were used to evaluate using evaluation matrix, material selection index, and shape factor for use on the beams of the QR arms. In addition, these 3 designs were CAD modeled and simulated on SolidWorks based on the cantilever beam analysis with 30N end point load. Figures 21 and 22 shows examples of the simple simulation analysis on SolidWorks.
Figure 21: Maximum stress acting on beam

Figure 22: Maximum deflection of beam
 The results are tabulated and shown in Figure 23 below.
Figure 23: Results tabulation
Based on findings, ideally for a pure cantilever beam, it is best to construct the beam out of Carbon Fibre composites with I-beam cross-section. However, it may be difficult to use carbon fibre composites to construct the fillet between the I-beam's flange and web. In addition, the QR's flight will cause the beams to be subjected to load on the Ix and Iy axis, as well as torsion loads. Thus in this application, carbon fibre composites is best used with circular cross section tubes.

In summary, we are all aiming to develop concepts to integrate and interface all different modules together, bearing in mind our concept freeze date is on the 3rd of March.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Monday, 10/2/2014

Guys these are the update of our finding and some problem identified. An initial design requirement was also created so as to explore possible solution, this serves as a good guide to kick start the project.

Topic is divided into 6 section, this let you as a reader has a better understanding on our project. =)

  • Section 1 - Design of Quadcopter 
  • Section 2 - Protective cage (possible material and problem identified)
  • Section 3 - Terrestrial drive system, also acting as a protective cage
  • Section 4 - Autonomous batteries changes
  • Section 5 - Frame structure of the quadcopter 
  • Section 6 - Control system. 
Section 1 - Design of Quadcopter 


  • Assuming a propeller diameter and pitch
  • Using Abbott or Bob Boucher's equations to find the power absorbed by propeller(Dickey, 2012)
  • Manipulate the Momentum equations so that propeller speed can be found (Hepperle, 1996; Dickey, 2012)
  • Ensure that the propeller tip speed does not reach the speed of sound
  • Propeller speed and power compare against plotted graph data and check for efficient (Brandt and Selig, 2011; Selig and Ananda, 2011)
  • Ensuring calculated speed is not at the propeller peak efficient
  • 50% of peak efficient 

  • Kv is the RPM when 1 v is supplied
  • Assuming there is no losses
  • Power = rad/s * Nm
  • Maximum power = 0.5 angular speed * 0.5 torque; 100% thrust
  • 0.5 power; 50% thrust
  • Hovering power = Kv*voltage/4
Building a Quadcopter 
  • Estimate the overall weight, propeller speed and diameter
  • Using power equations from Abbott equation or Bob Boucher's electric motor handbook equation
  • Relate it with propeller Momentum theory
  • Using the propeller coefficients
  • Choosing battery that can give a flight time of 15min

Section 2 - Protective cage (possible material and problem identified)

Possible Material 
The aim of this protective crash cage don't just serve as a collision crash proof structure. The selection of material plays an important role in this project mainly because of the limitation of the flight time, additional weight incur will definitely reduces it's capability.  

Research available on the web and journal paper suggested that material like carbon fiber has a ratio of high strength to low density but this possibility doesn't limit the exploration of our selection.

Any suggestion of possible material? (woods, Styrofoam, plastic (ABS, polycarbon and etc) feel free to give comment!!!!!!!!

Problem Identified
Quadcopter is designed to be robust to both indoor and outdoor environment, complex programming and sensor can be applied into our system, but this does not eliminate the possibility of Quadcopter crashing into any object. Thus, once Quadcopter get into an impact or collision; it's must has the ability to regain "self-recovery"

These are the possible principle solution from our research:

  1. Gyroscope Gimball copter design ( from EPFL) 
  2. Gecko like feet/arm adopting suction effect to regain recovery 
  3. Insect like beetle to lift themselves 
  4. Center of gravity (G.O.G)

     Figure 6 - Possible concept design 

Figure 6 shows the possible concept design generated using "inverted ice cream". Interesting? Please leave a comment. 

 Section 3 - Terrestrial drive system, also acting as a protective cage

Requirement : 

  • Two roles, ability to maneuver on the ground and serve as a protective cage for the Quadcopter 
  • Ability to conserve 50% battery while maneuvering 
  • Absorb shock from a height of 2m
  • Steer and reverse  

Figure 7 - Skywalker Copter 

Figure 7 shows a hobbies toys which has the above capabilities, but these are normally on single axis propeller.

Comment on this similar approach will be greatly appreciate =)

Section 4 - Autonomous batteries changes

Autonomous or automated batteries changer is a platform for quadcopter to replace it's empty batteries and ready for take off! sound cool huh? that was an idea or concept selected by one of our team mate.

We would like to share our the list of item needed

  • Two batteries
  • possible battery carriage weighting <150g  

Figure 8 - Mechanical Platform without linear motion 

Figure 9 - Docking Bay 

 Section 5 - Frame structure of the quadcopter 

This section describe the main frame structure of the quadcopter, the X-configuration will be used. But we are open to any possible solution or ideas.

Figure 10 - X configuration 

Figure 10 is the configuration selected, this configuration has an advantage to maneuver the copter around balancing it's axis, hopefully this will conserve energy used.

Section 6 - Control System

Control system is currently under further experimentation refer to first post for details. More updates will be available next week =)

That's all for the updated for this week, hey guys/ladies please do leave a comment on our post after reading, it is much appreciate!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Getting started by Consultation with Supervisors, Local Shop Staff and Study of Existing Quadrotor

Our team consisted of
  • Dr Ahmed - Leading Supervisor
  • Dr Didier Talamona - Cage protection cage and modular terrestrial drive Supervisor
  • Dr Eugene Wong - Structure Design Supervisor
  • Dr Michael Lau - Control System Design Supervisor
  • Angus Tang  - System Level Design (SysLeD)
  • J.D. Chua - Control System Design (ConSyD)
  • Edwin Goh - Robust Quadrotor Structure Design (RoQStr)
  • Jeremy Yeo - Modular Payload and Battery Loader (MoPBal)
  • Wong B.Z. - Robust Crash Protection Cage (RoCProC)
  • Leonard Lim - Motor Terrestrial drive (MoTerD)
So our journey being with our ConSyD, J.D. Chua consultation with Dr Micheal Lau and local shop staff at Fook Hua building. We were really new at building a flying machine therefore the motor in Figure 1 and ESC in Figure 2 brought were just for experimental purposes.
Figure 1 - 5v Motor
Figure 2 - Electronic Speed Controller 20Amp
Figure3 -  The brain, ArduPilot Mega 2.6 Kit with GPS 
In order to understand more about quadcopter we were ripped the existing quadcopter apart after our first and last flight. Our first attempt to fly an existing quadcopter in Figure 4 and 5 with Dr Ahmed. 

Figure 4 - First flight with Dr Ahmed with Existing quadcopter 
Figure 5 - First flight with Dr Ahmed with Existing quadcopter 

After 2 weeks of meddling with software and hardware our ConSyD, J.D. Chua managed to communicate to the 5v motor, he was overjoyed. 

Please enjoy the video and stay tuned, cheers!!!

Video 1 - The motor is alive!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

We are a group of mechanical engineering students from Newcastle University International Singapore doing our Final year project on Quadrotor. The purpose of this blog is to record and share the progress of building a Quadrotor from scratch. We welcome any comment, feedback and advice while we embark on this journey of no return.

Our project requirements

  • a 3 kg Hybrid Quadrotor
  • the hybrid part is to swap between crash cage of 10 m and terrestrial drive to save 50% of the battery  use
  • which is able carry additional 3kg of payload
  • maximum distance between propeller tip is 1 m
  • minimum fight time is 15 min
Stay tuned, cheers!!!!